domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019

Let's use mud!!!!!!

Hi, artists!

The other day we were capable of expressing ourseleves by creating something with mud. I wanted to do a bird (the expression of freedom for me) but I also wanted it to be useful as the teacher commented to somebody. I thought it was a good idea, so I did a hole that I will be able to use to leave the key. I always lose the key, so I thought that was the best I could do. I will leave it at home in a specific place and I will always have my key in there. 

After having finished doing it, we left it in the classroom until the next day, in which we coloured it. I used bright colours as I wanted to see it in an easy way. It would not have had sense for me to have painted it in a dark colour because then maybe I would not be able to see it and the idea is to be able to find my key.

I learnt something very important and it is that doing a figure by using mud can be very relaxing and therapeutic. Maybe I will have to do that at home because I get stressed very easily and that really calmed me down.

These photos show the process:

And the final result:

The result may not be as I expected, but I had a therapeutic time doing it and it is definitely useful for me to leave my key as you can see in this picture. I am not going to lose them anymore!

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019

Pluridisciplinar project

Hi, artists!

In this entry I want to reflect on a very interesting project we did in which we had to unite music and visual arts. In our seminar, we decided not to do something as a big group but as small groups. Our theme was the different styles of films there are (comedies, thrillers...). Our group had to perform a thriller. We decided to tell a story like in a theatre. There was a party, then a murder, then an investigation and finally...


The murderer was caught.

Our idea was, I think, very ambitious for the little resources we had. The first idea was to do a dance but at the time of the truth, nobody of our group wanted to dance so we had to reduce our visual art in the performance, the creation of a "wall" and the "detective's hat" and the use of lights (moving them faster when the music was faster...).

It seems like a good idea, doesn't it? Well, it did not go as expected. I think that we all, as a group, were not that happy about the result.

What happened?

1. The room was not dark enough for our lights at that hour (we were the first group to perform). We did not have this into account.
2. The first sound the computer had to reproduce stopped and in the next ones something had happened to the volume. Maybe we turned it down without realising it. This made that in one moment, one of the actors did not know that it was already time for her to do her act.
3. There were not walls like in the theatre, so in the end when we wanted to project something, everybody saw a person going there.
4. We tried to make sense to the fact of turning off and on the lights but there was a moment in which the public got confused.
5. Problems in the group. There was a member that did not come to any of the rehearsals. She was one of the main characters. We thought that she would come at least at the last rehearsal, but she did not and we used the last day in order to change the performance. Somebody else had to play that part and we did not have anybody that could do specifically the checking of the light and/or the sound as we planned during all the sessions. She did not participate the day we had to put this into practice because we told her that she could not do it without having done any rehearsal. She was going through a bad time, but all we asked her was to come at least at the last rehearsal, because this is not a project you can do without the others. It was very sad because at the beginning we were all really excited about this project, but it did not end well.

What can we learn from this?


If something does not go well, we can reflect on what happened like we have done and avoid this in the future. Also, watching the other groups was very useful for us to get ideas for a future performance. Maybe with a more simple idea this could work better in the future. We have to have into account that while performing we had to play instruments in direct! This makes it harder and I would have liked for us as a seminar to work together, but the other groups did not want this, so a simple idea would have been definitely better. But you only learn by making mistakes.

We finally did a cover in which we wanted to express the story we had performed: Detective Scarlet solving out a murder! And we added the curtains in order to reflect this "performance" we did, as this was the cover for a film you would see in the cinema or in the theatre.

This is the final video with the cover and our act that day:

And this is the cover we created:

And these are the hat and the wall created for the performance:

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019


Hi, artists!

So we had to portrait a classmate and then do another portrait just next to it and put as many shadows as it was needed. This allows to give volume to the drawing. 

I have to admit that although in the hybrid I finally did quite some good shadows, it was very difficult for me to imagine where was appopriate for the shadows to be. You cannot draw them wherever you want. You have to imagine there is a light, locate it and then do the shadows as they would appear if the light was in there. I still think the shadows are my weak point, but I tried to do my best and I searched for Rembrandt in order to inspire myself. But even though I did that, I still think the result was not as good as I expected. I will have to practice more the shadows but I am improving.

This is the result:

As we can see, the first one is the one without shadows. We can see that in the other one there is more volume. Of course, this will be useful for me in the future to improve my shadows.                       

Let's use mud!!!!!!

Hi, artists! The other day we were capable of expressing ourseleves by creating something with mud. I wanted to do a bird (the expressi...