lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

El dibujo infantil y adulto

Hi, artists!

Our teacher made us read a text the other day that really impacted me. The text started with a very convincing sentence: "All human beings have the capacity to draw". I do not know what you think, but all my entire life I have lived with this sentence: "I do not know how to draw". I never get satisfied with what I do and people around me have never really felt that what I did was really good even though they all tried to hide it with nice words. So this sentence completely caught my attention and made me want to read more. What the article says is that drawing is our way of getting to know the world, of understanding it and that, unfortunately, we usually stop drawing once we become teenagers. This is because schools do not potentiate drawing as an important aspect of our lives.  Actually, Howard Gardner, who made the theory of the multiple intelligences, says that in schools they only work with the linguistic and the mathematical intelligence and ignore all the other ones:

Resultado de imagen de theory of the multiple intelligence
Multiple intelligences (Gardner)
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I honestly believe that schools are doing that. I like drawing because it is one of the moments, together with writing, in which I can express more what I feel and how do I see things, but because I have never used the canons expected by other people or adults, I have never felt like my message arrived to the people and I stopped. I only draw sometimes for myself in the borders of a blank paper.

Another sentence I really liked from this text was this one: "Nobody stops writing because they have bad letters or because they are not great writers". Then why do we stop drawing for that reason? Drawing and writing both want to communicate, so why do we put more importance to one than to the other one?

Another aspect I found very interesting of the article was that we are constantly visually reading, but that we do not know how to read deeper. We only see what is in the surface. In an era of technology and screens in which we are living today, we definitely need to know what they are telling us deep down. For example, there was this advertisment from Carrefour:

Imagen relacionada
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What can we say? I think everybody can see the problem with this ad. The boy has a "c" of "champion" and the girl a "c" of "cooker". Because everybody knows women are supposed to be in the kitchen and men are supposed to have cars and be the champions (sarcasm). Such a shame that in the 21st century we still have to find things like that. This ad was created in 2018. Carrefour had to get rid of it.
In this case it is very obvious maybe, but would you have thought about it if I had not told you?
This ad is not only giving the message of "el día del niño" and the toys you can find, but it is also putting in your head an idea of what boys should receive as a present and what should girls receive. An idea that, thankfully, we know it is wrong.

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