martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Arte infantil y transformación social_Heike Freire

Hi, artists!

The article "Arte infantil y transformación social" really made an impact in me. I went to Heike Freire's conference, but in this article instead of talking about green pedagogy, she was talking about how art can help create democratic citizens.

In this text, the beginning is really impressive and, at the same time, represents very well what does the text talk about. Authoritarianism and fascism are a result of the fact that the educational system suppresses the creativity we all have and need in our lives (Victor Lowenfeld and Herbert Read).
We draw in order to understand the world but since Illustration, art has stopped being considered important and that is a mistake as art can help us respect different people and different thoughts. Arno Stern mentioned a concept called "drawing game" as all children enjoy drawing. But games are not really considered important neither, even though Piaget and Vygotski said how important it was for kids to play as it has a lot of benefits for them. They even distinguished four categories of games:
1. Movement games (helps to the psycho-motor skills and to the development of the notion of space).
2. Manipulation of objects (helps to structure and coordinate areas of the brain --> mathematics
3. Symbolic games (social and effective relationships...).
4. Games of rules (social bond).

So, after seeing the categories, we can really see that games are important for our development. Art is also important. But, somehow, we keep telling to our schools that it is not like this. Why do we put more importance to mathematics and languages than to art and games? Do not all of them help us develop as people?

Art can be therapeutic, as it was for me in the mud session (explained in BLOCK 2), and we should use that. Would we not be able to have a better emotional intelligence if we could control our feelings of anger doing a figure of mud?

As Diderot said: "I would like to know where is the school in which you learn how to feel".

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