domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018

Educational Project Museum: MACBA

Hi, artists!

In order to find out how museums bring art to students from Primary Education, we decided to contact MACBA as we found out in the webpage that they have a lot of educational projects. I was one of the members of the group that was lucky enough to go to an exposition and a workshop with a school to see how they did it. Not all of the members of our group went there because they told us that we were a lot of people. So only I and Eugènia Delgado went there.

It was incredible to see how topics so important such as racism, inequality between men and women or war were introduced to the students through the different artistic works. Topics that are so important to work in a democratic society and that can allow us and our students to become citizens engaged with human rights were introduced in a fascinating way. The guide was all the time asking to  the children questions that would allow them to contextualise more the topic developed in that painting or sculpture. For working the topic of feminism, they were asked to tell names of fampu artists. Surprise! Almost all of the ones students knew were men.

Art is about thinking about the inequalities in the world, about opening your mind, about becoming a more democratic citizen as Heike Freire would say. Why do we not do this at school when this is so important? It seems like politicians do not want people to think about these thematics... Is it more important to constantly learn about the grammar, about the numbers... and not about human feelings, fights and ways of expression? Art is a way of reflecting what you are feeling, what you see in the world and what has concerned humanity. That is why it is as important as reading and doing mathematics.

We did a written project and a presentation about this experience. As that would be too long and too complicated to do through here, I will just leave you some photos in order for you to get an idea of what it was like. Think about the different topics I have commented you previously.

Imagen relacionada
Retrieved from:

 Eulàlia Grau 'Aspiradora (Etnografia)', 1973
Retrieved from: de imagen de guerrilla girls macba  
Retrieved from:

Imagen relacionada
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After this, there was the workshop, which consisted in the students doing a poster by using all the knowledge acquired in the exposition.

But if you want to know more about our project, we have done a power point in which there are some images. You can also access to our written project.

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